Traditional Brick-and-Mortar Institution Accreditation
Accreditation councils, agencies and associations provide a common standard for schools, of all levels, to maintain. Without accreditation, other schools, students, and employers would have no easy way to tell that a degree from a certain school is legitimate. Accreditation agencies investigate and oversee academic criteria, student and faculty facilitation and overall delivery standards.
Regional agencies accredit traditional schools within their geographic range. The six major regional accreditors in the United States are;
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, New England Association of Schools and Colleges
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, Northwest Commission on Colleges & Universities
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Western Association of Schools and Colleges
Educational Transparency In Other Countries

Independent schools differ from one another, and develop in distinctive ways in response to their missions. Their strength arises in part from their exemption from stultifying regulation, Their strength arises in part from their exemption from stultifying regulation, but this freedom from governmental oversight provides its own challenge to find alternative ways to assess and demonstrate quality. For independent schools, such as religious learning alternatives, accreditation is both a suitable vehicle for school accountability and an effective catalyst for school improvement.

Innovative Marketing Strategies using Accreditation as a Ploy
Individuals are made aware, that a college or universities accreditation status does not provide ''automatic acceptance'' by an institution--of credit earned at another institution, nor does it give assurance of acceptance of graduates for employment purposes. Acceptance of students, or graduates is always the prerogative of the receiving facility or business. Students should take measures to determine, prior to enrollment, whether or not their educational goals will be met through enrollment at a particular institution. These measures should include inquiries to institutions to which future transfer might be desired or to prospective employers.

Check Before Signing up.
Today, many States require that you graduate from a state or federally funded brick-and-mortar institution for professional licensing or promotion purposes, they may refuse to recognize out-of-state, distance learning, convergence, and degrees/diplomas that are purchased (referred by many as a diploma or degree mill.
Always inquire with your local authorities before committing to any distance education, or fast degree program regarding use and application, if any. If you're buying a degree, including, buying a Doctorate Degree based on life experience, your due-diligence is important.
Degrees for purchase and other "private" accreditation claims
Many programs offering degrees for purchase, based solely on the basis of life experience, offer egregious claims pertaining to accreditation. Beware of claims, such as cheapest life experience degree in the USA.
Truth-be-told, the aforementioned--employ agencies and/or commissions that are self-made, for the sole purpose of promoting sales. It is common to see the word "private" before accreditation on many sites, as this may simply refer to the fact that it is registered as a private business, and nothing more.
Applicant of "No-study, No-testing, purchased degree programs, are not legal for academic or business use in many States. While DegreeMajor is not aware of every State law, regarding hiring requirements to public and private businesses, applicants should check with their local and state guidelines, and may be required to write "This is a non-accredited degree" on any application, or refrain from using their purchased degree, other than for accolades. Residents of States which have laws against the use of these degrees for academic and/or business purposes "should consider any degrees offered by us, or any other degrees for purchase site, as a testament to their accomplishments and used for their personal satisfaction only.”

Different programs, standards, and educational transparency.
Accreditation adds value for students. The agency assures that the educational programs and facilities are of the highest quality. Through continuous self-assessment and external review, institutions can maintain transparency, and offer high, competitive standards. In its simplicity, what accreditation offers, is "quality control." This, of course, is for traditional, "credits for learning" degrees, and not in the realm of many so called, accredited life experience degrees.